In many testing and controlling fields, a long time and continuous data acquisition is in great need to realize real-time monitoring, playback and analysis after signal gathering. 在许多测试领域中需要连续长时间的信号采集,实现实时监控信号及事后信号回放和分析。
The full function software can achieve the collection, storage, display, analysis and playback of ECG signal. 功能完善的软件系统可以完成心电信号的采集、存储、显示、分析、回放等功能。
Digital radial frequency memorizer ( DRFM) with high-speed sampling and digital recording as its technical foundation has the ability to memorize and playback radial frequency and microwave signal, can actualize wireless detecting of capability of radar equipment. 数字射频存储器(DRFM)采用高速采样和数字存储作为其技术基础,具有对射频和微波信号的存储和再现能力,可实现对雷达设备性能的无线检测。
Processing and analysing data is needed in playback 24 hours dynamic ECG monitoring system. It is used to finish detection, classification, arrhythmia analysis, ST segment, HRV analysis, and reports print for ECG signal. 在回放式24h动态心电监护系统中,需要对大量的数据进行处理和分析,从而实现对心电信号的检测,分类,心律失常分析,心律变异分析,报表打印功能。
The acquisition/ playback rate can reach up to 240 MHz, and the storage capacity can be extended to 3 GB. The system can be used in the simulation of radar signal processing and analysis of complicate signal. 系统有实时和非实时两种模式,其采集/回放速度高达240MHz,存储容量能扩展至3GB,它可供电磁信号环境仿真及复杂信号分析用。
In radar signal process, the multi-channel data playback system becomes important, as the testing device of radar signal characteristic. 在现代雷达信号处理中,多通道雷达同步数据回放及仿真系统作为现代阵列雷达信号处理性能的测试设备,显得特别重要。
Data storage is an important function of modern sonar systems, especially for original signal's recording, it can not only reconstruct the wartime conditions through playback of recorded data, but also be useful for the development of new signal processing methods. 数据存储是现代声纳设备的重要功能,尤其是对原始信号的记录,一方面可以通过记录数据的回放能够还原作战态势;另一方面可以利用原始信号来研究新的处理方法。
The method of realizing a high quality audio playback system for railway transportation using digital signal processing technology and CODEC ( Coder and Decoder) chip is introduced in this article. The parametric equalizer, which consists of all-pass filter, is achieved on the DSP platform. 文中主要介绍了一种利用数字信号处理技术结合CODEC芯片实现轨道交通高音质音频播放系统的方法,以及在DSP上实现的由全通网络构成的音频参量均衡器。
The stability against playback speed modification of ZCR ( zero-crossing rate) of audio signal is confirmed by theoretical analysis and experiments. 分析并通过实验验证了音频信号的过零率对回放速度修改这种去同步攻击的稳定性。
Filtering the collected signals, through the signal storage and playback module, the signal is stored in order to off-line analysis. 3. 对采集信号进行滤波处理,通过信号的存储和回放模块,对信号进行存储,以便离线分析。
Real-time playback module is responsible for the output signal to the hardware testing equipment, at the same time, display synchronized ECG waveform in the computer screen, and compare test results and the actual ECG waveform. 实时回放模块负责系统向硬件检测设备输出信号,同时在上位机屏幕中同步显示心电波形,可以直接对比检测结果和实际心电波形。
Finally, the compression playback quality in voice processing module, functions of the Codec and data path in signal processing module in signal processing module are being tested. 最后测试了语音处理模块的压缩回放质量以及信号处理模块的Codec功能和数据通路。
The voice collection, transmission and playback were achieved, and the transmission of collected analog signal was sent by a way that converted into it to PCM data stream and received under the UDP protocol. c. Multithreading management. 实现了语音的采集、传输以及播放,把模拟语音信号转换成PCM数据流,通过UDP协议来完成数据发送与接收。